Texas Gulf Coast

      Infrastructure Coalition    

Texas Gulf Coast Infrastructure Coalition (TGCIC) is a non-profit association of Texas private sector companies who support a transparent approach to the construction and financing of public infrastructure that is critical to serve the state’s growing economy and population. TGCIC was founded as a resource for federal, state, and local officials as they navigate complex issues surrounding public infrastructure and local governance.


  • Advocate for local, state, federal, and private funding for Texas Gulf Coast infrastructure projects.

  • Provide partnership between public, private, and non-profit entities active in projects along the Gulf Coast.

  • Support economic development and workforce training opportunities along the Texas Gulf Coast.

  • Network and foster positive working relationships with key elected officials, agency staff and industry participants.

  • Provide support for legislative policies and initiatives that benefit coastal infrastructure projects.

  • Coordinate messaging and outreach efforts with TGCIC members.

A member invited to join will be entitled to the following:

  • Opportunity to set direction and policy of the group;

  • Quarterly newsletter along with email updates on priority issues and advocacy alerts;

  • Quarterly government affairs virtual presentation;

  • Invitation to all TGCIC meetings and events with top local, state and federal officials involved in coastal issues;

  • Assistance in leveraging legislative and executive agency relationships to further TGCIC’s goals;

  • Recognition in TGCIC publications.